The following titles from the Digital Classicist Work-in-Progress seminars are of potential interest to epigraphers:
6 June (NG16): Elaine Matthews and Sebastian Rahtz (Oxford), The Lexicon of Greek Personal Names and classical web services
13 June (NG16) Brent Seales (University of Kentucky), EDUCE: Non-invasive scanning for classical materials
20 June (STB3) Dot Porter (University of Kentucky), The Son of Suda On Line: a next generation collaborative editing tool
18 July (STB3) Ryan Bauman (University of Kentucky), Towards the Digital Squeeze: 3-D imaging of inscriptions and curse tablets
25 July (NG16) Charlotte Tupman (KCL), Markup of the epigraphy and archaeology of Roman Libya
8 Aug (NG16) Charlotte Roueché (KCL), From Stone to Byte