Troels Myrup has posted 3 color photos of portions of the Gortyn legal code.
Some print publications relevant to the inscription:
- ICret 4.72 = M. Guarducci, Inscriptiones creticae, opera et consilio Friderici Halbherr collectae, 4 vols., Rome, 1935-1950 (OCLC: 3832343), vol. 4, no. 72.
- M. Gargarin, multiple articles published in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies from 1982 onward; see the GRBS Index, sub Gagarin, Michael.
- A.F. Verdieck, The Gortyn crisis and the creation of the Gortyn code, thesis, Colorado State University (Ft. Collins), 2004 (OCLC: 56931215)
- R.F. Willetts, The law code of Gortyn, Berlin, 1967 (OCLC: 529234).
- J.S. Arkenberg (trans.), “The Law Code of Gortyn (Crete), c. 450 BCE, Selections” in P. Halsall, Internet Ancient History Sourcebook, 1998-2002.
- PHI 200508 = Searchable Greek Inscriptions: A Scholarly Tool in Progress, The Packard Humanities Institute (full Greek text after Willetts 1967).
- Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia (English), s.v., “Gortyn code“.