Seen at NEH Digital Humanities awards
Cuneiform Forensics: 3D Digital Analysis of Cuneiform Tablet Production
CUNY Research Foundation, Brooklyn College — Brooklyn, NY
H. Arthur Bankoff, Project Director
Outright: $29,850 (Funding for this award provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services as part of the IMLS/NEH “Advancing Knowledge” partnership.) To support digital laser scanning and three dimensional quantification, as well as the creation of digitally generated models, of ancient Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets.
There has been other work with these technologies–mainly in the area of Cuneiform, which stands particularly to gain from 3D digitisation. See e.g.:
Kumar, Snyder, et al. ‘Digital Preservation of Ancient Cuneiform Tablets Using 3D-Scanning’, Fourth International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, 2003, pp.326-333. [Online in PDF]
Woolley, Flowers, et al. ‘3D Capture, Representation and Manipulation of Cuneiform Tablets’, IST/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2001, Proc SPIE (Three Dimensional Image Capture and Applications IV) Vol 4298 (0277-786X/01), pp103-110 [Summary online]
For similar work with Classical objects see the EDUCE project, which focuses primarily on papyri and scrolls, but might have implementations in epigraphy at some point:
Seales, Gray, Griffioen, Scaife, EDUCE: Enhanced Digital Unwrapping for Conservation and Exploration, see